Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Settling In (WM)

Well, L.A. is definitely new territory and something I’ve never experienced before. It seems like if you’re not in the entertainment business then your not supposed to be living in L.A. It’s been two weeks now and I have yet to find someone who does something else for a living. I came close when I was talking to someone who said they sampled Breyers ice-cream for a living, but I soon found out they only used that as a disguise to pick up chicks. Apparently it’s more interesting to be something different and unique, I haven’t gotten the chance to try it yet I’ll let you know on my next blog.
It’s really strange to realize your co-workers (stars on T.V.) are just people who are fighting just as hard as anyone to make a living. I always use to wonder how films and shows can produce something so unique and almost perfect, but after working behind the scenes I see where all the hard work comes from. There are hundreds of people involved all working to achieve to same thing; amaze, surprise and entertain the audience. As far as the stereotype of snobby L.A. people I used to hear about before coming out here, I don’t really know where it came from. Everyone has been very nice and generous. People may sometimes give off the vibe that they are invincible and capable of accomplishing anything, but then you step back and realize that no other city has as many paparazzi and news teams reporting even the slightest moral fowl up of a celebrity. It’s hard not to try and hide your flaws and flaunt your strengths. I’ve only been here two weeks and already I feel like I’m getting dragged into the system, after all we are the best at what we do.

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